Email policy
If you have not received a response within 24 hours, please phone to make sure your e-mail was received. Occasionally e-mail may bounce back without an error message, or attachments can disappear or become unreadable.
Privacy, Security and Interception
E-mail may be monitored by the provider as allowed under the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986. Email can get misdirected or intercepted by a third party. Email at your own discretion and risk. If you are sending confidential or sensitive material, you may wish to send your material hard copy via USPS or some other means.
Please do not send confidential information unless I have been retained.
This is for your protection. I may represent another party involved or connected to your matter, and until I am retained, there is no expert-client relationship.
Please do not send anonymous e-mail.
This is for your protection. I protect the confidentiality of my clients. Please provide a phone number so that I can reach you quickly to double check my status and assure that I have not been previously contacted by anyone else affiliated with your case.
Phone: (415) 441-0273
Fax: (415) 441-0233
P.O. Box 475166
San Francisco, CA 94147